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Meeting / Speaking to Your Sitter Before a Booking

The sitter’s contact information is available on their profile (found from your dashboard) starting 48 hours before the booking once they have confirmed. If you’d like to contact your sitter to chat further and make sure you’re on the same page for logistics, please feel free to do so!

If you’d like to meet your sitter in person before a booking, feel free to contact us and we are happy to help coordinate and see if there might be another day and time before that works for both of you so that you can meet. If you choose to go with this option, once the date and time are set, we will get it entered into the site and the three hour minimum will apply(if you book for less time, 3 hours will be charged). This is to respect the sitter’s time and make sure they are compensated for their time and energy.

If you would prefer not to pay, as we understand this is not an option for everyone, we recommend a video call or phone call, as many families find this helps get to know the sitter to make sure everyone feels taken care of and ready! If you’d like to do this more than 48 hours before, feel free to contact us and we can reach out to the sitter on your behalf.

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